Contemporary vellum, ink title on spine, covers stained. 4°: pi2 *2 2*1 A-X4 Z-3O4 3P1, pag.: [10] 1-456 [26]. With engr. title and eight full-page etchings by Hillebrand van der Aa. Upper left corner of the frontispiece cut. Copy with contemporary ownership mark of Saamuel Otto (‘geb. 1875’) on the first flyleaf and the printed exlibris of C.S. Lechner. Bookhistorian P.J. Verkruijsse pointed to a curious fault in the present Dutch edition of Gavin’s travels. The preliminary pages contain a ‘Waarschouwinge aan den boekbinder’ [warning to the bookbinder] stating that the Y-gathering of the first part is omitted by mistake of the printer, without any loss of text. However, in fact the Y-gathering of the second part of the book lacks. The pages 169-176 are indeed not te be found, but the text continues just as well. The etcher Hillebrand van der Aa (ca 1660-ca 1721) was a brother of the famous Leiden bookseller Pieter van der Aa. Also available a copy in full contempory vellum and with engraved title and all prints, but the title page missing, for 300 euro. B0030._x000B_