Mountain landscape with figures. High mountains on the right. Below a village. Closer to the foreground two figures seen from behind. On the left trees and rocks. From the ‘Recueil de 283 estampes gravées à l’eau forte d’après les dessins originaux… que Mons. Evrard Jabach de Cologne… possédait’ or Cabinet Jabach. Everhard Jabach (1618-1695) was an eminent French collector of drawings. This ensemble of plates is drawn after Italian masters as the Carraccis, Pietro da Cortona, Titian, Campagnola turned into print by Macé, Corneille Jean-Baptiste and Michel-Ange and Pesne. Signed on the bottom; at left ‘An. Carache delin:’, numbered ’23.F’, signed on the right bottom:’JB Corneille Sculp Cum privuil Regis.’