Portrait of Hieronymus van Beverninck (16414-1690) in an oval frame. Beverninck was mayor of Gouda and ambassador in England Inscribed on the oval frame:’NE TE QUAESI VERIS EXTRA’; on the pedestal on the plinth on bottom:’ILLUSTRIS ET GENEROSUS DOMINUS / D. HIERONYMUS VAN BEVERINGK / Teylingae Toparcha, Foederati Belgy Exthezaurarius, Lycaei Batavi Curator, in Consessu Celsorum et praepoten: / tium d:d: Ordinum Generalium Assessor, ad Tractatus pacis, [..] Neomagi instituti sunt, extra ordinem Legatus et Plenipotentiarius.’; signed on the bottom left:’B. Vaillant ad Vivum Pingebat et ex.’ and right:’A. Blooteling sculp. 1679′