Allegory of the help provided by the city of Amsterdam to the poor Catholics on december the 5th 1787. Charitas sits on a throne with the arms of Amsterdam holding a cornucopia; beside her poor people, a man a woman and a child. Two putti are looking at a sheet of paper with a representation of the house of the indigents in Amsterdam situated on the Keisergracht 384. In the sky the eye of God. Titled above in the center:´DE / MILDDAADIGHEID / AAN / DE DANKBAARE ROOMSCHE ARMEN; / BY DE EERSTE AFGIFTE VAN BROOD, / OP DE GROND / DES GEWEEZEN SCHOUWBURGS / TE AMSTERDAM, / Den vyfden December.´ below the representation: ´´t WeLeer VerWoest tooneeL, ´t paLeIs Der poezIJ, / strekt V, behoeftIg MensCh! hIer tot een bakkerIJ. / J.F. Delfing´. Signed on the bottom left of the representation:´N.v.d. Meer Jan del. et sculp.´ on the bottom right:´F. J. v. Tetroode´.