Children’s print showing two fairy tales in which a small main character unexpectedly outwits the others. The first half is dedicated to the story of Hop-o’-My-Thumb (Klein Duimpje), who is abandoned by his parents, saves his brothers from being eaten by the wild man, and steals his magic seven-league boots. His great wisdom compensates for his smallness of size. The bottom half depicts the fairy tale of Puss in Boots (de gelaarsde kat), who presents the king with gifts from his master, the Marquis of Carabas, and deceives the king into thinking that the land along the road, and the castle formerly owned by a wild man belong to the Marquis.Deventer, J. de Lange (1752 – 1787), address mentioned on the print: ‘Ter Boekdrukkerij van J. de Lange, aan den Brink te Deventer’; numbered ‘N. 5.’ in the upper right corner.