A popular print with eight different professions: a stonecutter (steenzager), a stonemason (steenhouwer), a basket maker (mandenmaker), a tinsmith (loodgieter), a dredger (baggeraar), a carpenter (timmerman), a planter, and a wheelwright (wagenmaker). Each image is accompanied by a description of the work and an explanation of its use. The woodcuts are copies after engravings from Spiegel van het Menselyk Bedryf (1694) an emblem book with 100 trades, by Jan and Caspar Luyken, following the moralist style of Jacob Cats. Deventer, J. de Lange (1818 – 1845); via Mindermann & Co., Amsterdam, whose address is mentioned on the print: ‘Te Amterdam, bij Mindermann en Comp., in de Bergstraat’; numbered ‘No. 45.’ in the upper right corner.