Dutch newspaper clipping (krantenknipsel) dated to december 1813. The clipping offers an account of the visit of Prince Willem Frederik I to the military hospital in Utrecht. He received a warm welcome. All the sick and injured men as well as all staff members were elated and expressed their wish for the prince to become their king. 8 soldiers are mentioned by name, because they were captured by the French in the unfortunate fight in Woerden: Willem Gering, Leonardus van Heiningen, Pieter van Veen, Paulus Antonie Liernur, Naftalij Polak, Moses Piller, Jacob Schouten and Willem van Dooren.
The wounded French men that were also present during this royal visit, were in awe of the Dutch spirit. The recovered French men that were released from the hospital and handed over to the Prince during his visit, were also pleasantly surprised that all their belongings were returned to them, nothing was stolen. G.W. Smits gives a very positive review of the Prince's visit.
On the backside of this clipping we see part of the newspaper's front page. The title and date are only partly present, but it must be ‘Staatkundig dagblad van de Zuiderzee’, dated to 7 December [1813]. In the top right corner there is a stamp (stempel) depciting Hermes (Zuyderzee, 5 cen.) There is a call to serve the country and enlist in the military.