Several printed documents owned by H. van Marken Lichtenbelt, member of Utrechtsch Studentencorps, treasurer of the Senaat, honorair commissaris of Triton, active in TRITON (rowing club): 10 printed and handwritten invitations for bestuursvergadering/board meetings, letter written by Groninsche Studenten Roeivereniging Aegir to Van Marken Lichtenbelt June 1936 concerning the price (zilveren wisselbeker) for Jonge Twee with enveloppe, original letter typewritten and reproduced concerning the meagre tip left for the servants after a dinner in 1935, small poster with handwritten notes for the najaarswedstrijden 19 November 1936 with names of all the participating students (Bettink won the race)and several original unwritten documents, cards and a small folded poster.