Utrecht, Willem Broedelet, 1709, large 4to., full parchment binding with blind tooling and ribbed spine with handwritten title, [16]+456+[6] pp., solid construction though there is a crack in the bottom of the front hinge, darkened pages, some small waterstains in the back of the book, the first few pages are fragile around the corners. With an engraved titlepage (J. Goeree in. et. fec.), an engraved printer's mark on the titlepage (Sum Cuique Tribue, Lamsvelt fec.), some beautiful woodcut endpieces, decorative initials and an engraved portrait of the author on a seperate leaf, inserted after the preface (Hoet delin., P. van Gunst sculp.). With an ex libris stamp (Van Rooijen).
Compare to the other copy in our collection if you are interested in the 18th century bookbinding process: the parchment has been removed there, so the bare construction is visible (55019)
Lit: Roberts p. 97; Dekkers p. 120.