's Hage, A. Kloots & Comp, 1848, (4)+169pp. original paper binding, spine rapired but almost gone and front loose, Kaspar Hauser (30 April 1812 – 17 December 1833) was a German youth who claimed to have grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell. Hauser's claims, and his subsequent death by stabbing, sparked much debate and controversy. Theories propounded at the time identified him as a member of the grand ducal House of Baden, hidden away because of royal intrigue. These opinions may or may not have been documented by later investigations. Other theories proposed that Hauser had been a fraud. Originally published 1840. The translation was first published in Algemeene 's Gravenhaagsche Courant. Armorial bookplate F. Koch Jr. previously owned by J.H. Verheijen (ink on flyleaf).