Incomplete without titlepage, impressum or colophon. From: ‘Laudatio funebris in memoriam […] Campegii Vitringa’, Franeker, Henricus Halma, 1722, folio, sewn signatures without binding (some remnants visible along the spine), red and blue sprinkled edges, 3-84 pp. (from 1-85 pp. + memoriae), the outside pages are smudged and somewhat discoloured due to the lack of protection from a cover, the printwork on the inside is clear and without any stains. Pages 3-6 have a different header (‘Programma’) from the main text (‘A. Schultens | Oratio Funebris’). The main text starts with a decorative woodcut initial.
Campegius Vitringa Sr., or Kempe Vitringa (1659-1722) was a Dutch Protestant theologian and Hebraist. Vitringa, a follower of Johannes Cocceius, was a supporter of prophetic theology. He was educated at the universities of Franeker and Leiden, and became professor of Oriental languages at the former in 1681.