LEUPE, P. A., Georgius Everardus Rumphius, Ambonsch Natuurkundige der Zeventiende Eeuw.
Rumphius (1627-1702) was a German-born botanist employed by the Dutch East India Company in what is now eastern Indonesia, and is best known for his work Herbarium Amboinense. Added: Verslag der Rumphius-herdenking, Koloniaal Museum Haarlem. Amsterdam, J. H. de Bussy, 1903. Or. wr. stapled. 18 pp. With a portrait. Loose in wrappers.
Amsterdam, C. G. van der Post, 1871. Original stiff wrappers. 22,5×28,5 cm. 65 pp. With an original letter of Leupe to an unknown recipient. Front wrapper loose. Verhandeling Koninklijke Akademie van wetenschappen XIII.