Groningen, J. Oomkens, 1828, vi,65 pages, frontispiece attractive engraved silhouette of G. Bakker by W. Lubbers/J. Oomkens, no binding, obituary written by Jacob Baart de la Faille (1795-1867) of Gerbrand Bakker (1771-1828), who was an eminent Dutch physician, professor at the University of Groningen. Bakker was distinguished most for his great skill and knowledge in midwifery and practical surgery. On the former he published several works in Dutch and Latin. Amongst his Dutch writings are a treatise on animal magnetism, another on worms, in which he controverted the opinions of professor Rudolphi of Berlin; and a third on the human eye. Bakker occupied himself also with zeal on comparative anatomy, and particularly on the anatomy of the brain. His most celebrated works in Latin are Descriptio Iconis Pelvis Feminae (1816), Osteographia Piscium (1822), Epidemium quae anno 1826 urbem Groningam afflixit (1826) and De Natura Hominis Liber elementarius (1827). This last work, which was to have formed a complete body of anatomy, was left incomplete by the author's death. Saakes 9 (1829), p. 15, Van Alphen 2271