Collection of documents relating to beiaardskunst: article by D.J. van der Ven, De klokken luiden, Oude Kunst 1915/16, Circulaires of the Nederlandse Klokkenspel Vereniging, 1945-1968, with many documents relating to this association, collection of newspaperclippings 1926-1963 concerning klokken, beiaarden etc. (bells, bellringers etc.). 50+ pages, Catalogus van de Bibliotheek der Nederlandse Klokkenspel Vereniging, 1963, binder with lots of documents relating to bells and bellringing, Afbeeldingen van Klokken, Torens, portretten etc. (binder with miscellaenious documents. pohotographs etc., of bells, belltowers, catalogue (partly handwritten) of Klokken en Klokkenspelen in poezie en proza (catalogue of bells and similar contraptions in prose and poetry). Very interesting and unique collection.