Hoorn, 10 oktober 1944 – 15 mei 1945, complete edition in one binding of this illegal newspaper published in Hoorn by A. Heintsmann and J. Romeyn, De Zuiderzeebode was published because on 10 october 1944 the elecrticity was cut off by the German occupiers and it was no longer possible to listen to Radio Oranje broadcasting from London. with an explanatory note dated december 1945 on the history of this newspaper (names mentioned: J. Romeyn Sr and Jr, A. Heintsman, J. Meyer, P. Peetoom, G.D. Scholten, M. Mellink, D. Romeyn, C. Botman, M. Stump[el, J. Meter, V.d. Ven, Corrie Heintsman, Terpstra, B. Slagter). First issue came in 120 copies, later issues up to 1200 copies. With an proclamation to strike (no date). Scarce. Only NIOD has similar collection.