Paris, Rolet Boutonne, 1618. Large 4o. High quality modern full leather, gilt on spine. Exlibris of Daniel de Bruin. Title page grimed, rest slightly browned. (11)+197+(1) pag. Illustrated with engraved title page depicting two angels supporting the arms of Louis XIII, signed Picart. Hundreds of woodcuts and copper-plate engraved coats-of-arms. Hierosme (Jerome) de Bara (1540-1600) was a craftsman about who little is know. His principle work Le blason des armories was edited multiple times by him in Lyon. This 1618 copy is the fifth edition, for the first time published in Paris, 18 years after the author’s death. It is richly illustrated and enlarged with ‘L’État et comportement des armes’, by Jean Scohier and ‘Le tableau des armoiries de France’, by Philippe Moreau. The book describes the early 17th century science of heraldry. The author explains all aspects of the French heraldic tradition. H80