Etching on wove paper (with watermark J Kool), sheet size ca. 210 x 165 mm., platemark 144 x 114 mm. One of the 76 etchings and engravings from 'Spiegel der natuur en School ter Teekenkunde, bevattende LXXVI afbeeldingen van landschappen, landsdouwen, watergezichten, enz. enz. […]', Amsterdam: Ed. Van Esveldt-Holtrop, [ca. 1830]. This publication contained a series of prints after various printmakers, including Silvestre, Perelle, Della Bella, Almeloveen, Van Schyndel, Visscher and Schenk.
A group of riders approaches an open gate in the wall that stretches along a building. Several figures with a dog resting in the foreground.
Good, some thumbing in the corner and top margin, a small dampstain in the lower margin. Image fine and crisp.