Haarlem, A. Vernout, no date (around 1860-1880), collection of 19 early photographs depicting the city gates of Haarlem in original folder/binding with printed frontispiece, binding slightly damaged. Amsterdamsche poort, Bymaaspoort 1800, Eendjespoort, Groote Houtpoort, Kleine Houtpoort, Kleine Houtpoort 1865, St Janspoort 1683, St Janspoort 1676, Kruijspoort 1683, Nieuwpoort 1865, Nieuwpoort 1865, Nieuwpoort 1782, Nieuwpoort 1744, Schalkwijkerpoort, Schalkwijkerpoort 1860, Schalkwijkerpoort 1860, Raakstorens 1860, Raampoort, Zijlpoort. This rare and late 19th century collection of photographs contains several original photographs of city gates that were destroyed in the 19th century. Others are photographs of drawings from the collection of the Haarlem archives.