Glorification of Cornelis de Witt: the commander in armour, holding a commandostaf, is represented on the left, being crowned with laurel by flying putti while a Fame is blowing a trumpet. On the background the trip to Chatham (June 1667). On the left also a cornucopia with symbols of the prosperity of land and wealth. This illustration was used in Jan Wagenaar’s “Vaderlandsche historie”, published in Amsterdam between 1749-1759, in 21 volumes. This pint belongs to vol. XIII, p. 478. The original painting in the town hall of Dordrecht was destroyed in 1672, soon after the horrifying death of the de Witt brothes. Signed lower right corner: “S.Fokke fec”; on the left corner: “A. Schoumann del, naar ’t Originele Model”